RPM package#

Users can install Trino using the RPM Package Manager (RPM) on some Linux distributions that support RPM.

The RPM archive contains the application, all plugins, the necessary default configuration files, default setups, and integration with the operating system to start as a service.


It is recommended to deploy Trino with the Helm chart on Kubernetes or manually with the Docker containers or the tar archive. While the RPM is available for use, it is discouraged in favor of the tarball or Docker containers.

Installing Trino#

Download the Trino server RPM package trino-server-rpm-406.rpm. Use the rpm command to install the package:

rpm -i trino-server-rpm-*.rpm --nodeps

Installing the required Java and Python setup must be managed separately.

Service script#

The RPM installation deploys a service script configured with systemctl so that the service can be started automatically on operating system boot. After installation, you can manage the Trino server with the service command:

service trino [start|stop|restart|status]
service commands#




Starts the server as a daemon and returns its process ID.


Shuts down a server started with either start or run. Sends the SIGTERM signal.


Stops and then starts a running server, or starts a stopped server, assigning a new process ID.


Prints a status line, either Stopped pid or Running as pid.

Installation directory structure#

The RPM installation places Trino files in accordance with the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard using the following directory structure:

  • /usr/lib/trino/lib/: Contains the various libraries needed to run the product. Plugins go in a plugin subdirectory.

  • /etc/trino: Contains the general Trino configuration files like node.properties, jvm.config, config.properties. Catalog configurations go in a catalog subdirectory.

  • /etc/trino/env.sh: Contains the Java installation path used by Trino, allows configuring process environment variables, including secrets.

  • /var/log/trino: Contains the log files.

  • /var/lib/trino/data: The location of the data directory. Trino stores logs and other data here.

  • /etc/rc.d/init.d/trino: Contains the service scripts for controlling the server process, and launcher configuration for file paths.


Uninstalling the RPM is like uninstalling any other RPM, just run:

rpm -e trino-server-rpm-<version>

Note: During uninstall, all Trino related files are deleted except for user-created configuration files, copies of the original configuration files node.properties.rpmsave and env.sh.rpmsave located in the /etc/trino directory, and the Trino logs directory /var/log/trino.