Trino in containers#

The Trino project provides the trinodb/trino Docker image that includes the Trino server and a default configuration.

Running the container#

To run Trino in Docker, you must have the Docker engine installed on your machine. You can download Docker from the Docker website, or use the packaging system of your operating systems.

Use the docker command to create a container from the trinodb/trino image. Assign it the trino name, to make it easier to reference it later. Run it in the background, and map the default Trino port, which is 8080, from inside the container to port 8080 on your workstation.

docker run --name trino -d -p 8080:8080 trinodb/trino

Without specifying the container image tag, it defaults to latest, but a number of any released Trino version can be used, for example trinodb/trino:406.

Run docker ps to see all the containers running in the background.

% docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS                  PORTS                    NAMES
955c3b3d3d0a   trinodb/trino:390   "/usr/lib/trino/bin/…"   39 hours ago   Up 39 hours (healthy)>8080/tcp   trino

When Trino is still starting, it shows (health: starting), and (healthy) when it’s ready.


There are multiple ways to use Trino within containers. You can either run Trino in Docker containers locally, as explained in the following sections, or use a container orchestration platform like Kubernetes. For the Kubernetes instructions see Trino on Kubernetes with Helm.

Executing queries#

The image includes the Trino command-line interface (CLI) client, trino. Execute it in the existing container to connect to the Trino server running inside it. After starting the client, type and execute a query on a table of the tpch catalog, which includes example data:

$ docker exec -it trino trino
trino> select count(*) from tpch.sf1.nation;
(1 row)

Query 20181105_001601_00002_e6r6y, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 21 total, 21 done (100.00%)
0:06 [25 rows, 0B] [4 rows/s, 0B/s]

Once you are done with your exploration, enter the quit command.

Alternatively, you can use the Trino CLI installed directly on your workstation. The default server URL in the CLI of http://localhost:8080 matches the port used in the command to start the container. More information about using the CLI can be found in Command line interface. You can also connect with any other client application using the JDBC driver.

Configuring Trino#

The image already contains a default configuration to get started, and some catalogs to allow you to explore Trino. You can also use the container with your custom configuration files in a local etc directory structure as created in the Deploying Trino. If you mount this directory as a volume in the path /etc/trino when starting the container, your configuration is used instead of the default in the image.

$ docker run --name trino -d -p 8080:8080 --volume $PWD/etc:/etc/trino trinodb/trino

To keep the default configuration and only configure catalogs, mount a folder at /etc/trino/catalog, or individual catalog property files in it.

If you want to use additional plugins, mount them at /usr/lib/trino/plugin.

Cleaning up#

You can stop and start the container, using the docker stop trino and docker start trino commands. To fully remove the stopped container, run docker rm trino.