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Routing Logic


Trino Gateway checks incoming requests to see if they're related to previous ones it handled. If they are, then Trino Gateway sends them to the same backend that dealt with the earlier requests.

If it is a new request, the Trino Gateway refers to Routing rules to decide which group of backends, called a 'Routing Group,' should handle it. It then picks a backend from that Routing Group to handle the request using either an adaptive or round-robin strategy.

Request Routing Flow

Sticky routing

A request related to an ongoing process, or to state maintained on a single backend cluster, must be routed to that backend for proper handling. Two mechanisms for identifying related requests are currently implemented. By default, only routing based on query identifier is enabled.

Routing based on query identifier (default)

When a query is initiated through the Trino Gateway, the query id will be extracted from the response and mapped to the backend that provided the response. Any subsequent request containing that query id will be forwarded to that backend. For example, to retrieve query results, the trino client polls a URI of the form v1/statement/executing/queryid/nonce/counter. The Trino Gateway will extract the queryid from this URI.

Routing based on cookies

OAuth2 authentication requires that the same backend is used for each step of the handshake. When gatewayCookieConfiguration.enabled is set to true, a cookie will be added to requests made to paths beginning with /oauth2 unless they already have a cookie present, which is used to route further /oauth2/* requests to the correct backend. Cookies are not added to requests to v1/* and other Trino endpoints.

Trino Gateway signs its cookies to ensure that they are not tampered with. You must set a cookieSigningSecret string in your configuration

    enabled: true
    cookieSigningSecret: "ahighentropystring"

when making use of this feature. If you load balance request across multiple Trino Gateway instances, ensure each instance has the same cookieSigningSecret.

The Trino Gateway handles standard Trino OAuth2 handshakes with no additional configuration. If you are using a customized or commercial Trino distribution, then the paths used to define the OAuth handshake may be modified.

routingPaths: If the request URI starts with a path in this list, then * If no cookie is present, add a routing cookie * If a cookie is present, route the request to the backend defined by that cookie

deletePaths: If the request URI starts with a path in this list, return a response that instructs the client to delete the cookie.

Additionally, the lifetime property sets the duration for which a cookie remains in effect after creation. Ensure that it is greater than the time required to complete the handshake. Default lifetime is 10 minutes.

These properties are defined under the oauth2GatewayCookieConfiguration node:

    - "/oauth2"
    - "/custom/oauth2/callback"
    - "/alternative/oauth2/initiate"
    - "/custom/logout"
  lifetime: "5m"