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Documentation development

The Trino Gateway documentation uses markdown source files, MkDocs with the material theme for rendering, and GitHub pages for hosting.

The following sections contain minimal helpful tips to get started. More details are available in the following resources:

Writing documentation

Content is written as markdown files in the docs folder.

Writing style guidelines are identical to the Trino documentation and website.

Refer to the reference docs from Material for MkDocs for syntax information.

Running site locally

Install python and pipx, for example with brew.

Install mkdocs-material and all required dependencies:

pipx install --install-deps mkdocs-material

Start the local site in the project root folder:

cd trino-gateway
mkdocs serve

Access the site in your browser at

Edit the site sources as desired and refresh pages as needed. Some changes require a restart of mkdocs.

Configuring MKDocs

MkDocs is configured in mkdocs.yml. Refer to the source, the Material for MkDocs website and the MkDocs website for more information.