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Build requirements

  • Mac OS X or Linux
  • Java 23+, 64-bit
  • Docker

Running Trino Gateway in your IDE

The best way to run Trino Gateway for development is to run the TrinoGatewayRunner class. You need to run io.trino.gateway.TrinoGatewayRunner.main() method on your IDE or execute the following command:

./mvnw test-compile exec:java -pl gateway-ha -Dexec.classpathScope=test -Dexec.mainClass="io.trino.gateway.TrinoGatewayRunner"

Build and run


This project requires Java 23. Note that higher version of Java have not been verified and may run into unexpected issues.

Run ./mvnw clean install to build trino-gateway. VM options required for compilation and testing are specified in .mvn/jvm.config.

Edit the configuration file config.yaml in the gateway-ha folder and update the mysql db information.

Note that tests using Oracle are disabled by default on non-x86_64 CPU architectures. To enable them, set the environment variable TG_RUN_ORACLE_TESTS=true. These tests will always be run in GitHub CI.

cd gateway-ha/target/
java -jar gateway-ha-{{VERSION}}-jar-with-dependencies.jar ../config.yaml

In Docker

Follow the separate instructions for building the container and running Trino Gateway with docker compose from the file in the docker folder.

Contact, help, and issues

You can contact the Trino Gateway users and contributors on Trino slack in the #trino-gateway and #trino-gateway-dev channels. Use these channels for questions and discussion about Trino Gateway installation, usage, and development.

If you encounter specific issues or want to propose new features, file an issue and follow the contribution process for next steps.


Want to help build Trino Gateway? Check out our contributing documentation


The following Trino and Trino Gateway maintainers are involved in Trino Gateway, and can help with pull request reviews and merges.

Contributor meetings

Contributor meetings are open to anyone and held every two weeks. Meeting notes and other details are available on GitHub.

Release process

A full release process consists a number of steps:

Create a release notes pull request including the following changes:

  • Add new release notes in docs/
  • Update VERSION in docs/
  • Update appVersion to new version and version to new version with .0.0 appended in helm/trino-gateway/Chart.yaml. For example, update to appVersion: "10" and version: "10.0.0".

Organize review, approval, and merge for the PR.

Pull the changes locally:

cd trino-gateway
git checkout main
git pull

Run a Maven release build:

./mvnw clean release:prepare release:perform

A successful release build performs the necessary commits, and pushes the binaries to Maven Central staging.

Close and release the staging repository, and wait until the sync to Central is completed. Confirm the presence of the artifacts at

Ensure that you are logged into Docker Hub with suitable permissions, and run the container release script with the version number that was just released, for example 6:

docker/ 6

Once completed, verify the availability at

Announce the release on Trino Slack and LinkedIn.