Release 423 (10 Aug 2023)#


  • Add support for renaming nested fields in a column via RENAME COLUMN. (#16757)

  • Add support for setting the type of a nested field in a column via SET DATA TYPE. (#16959)

  • Add support for comments on materialized view columns. (#18016)

  • Add support for displaying all Unicode characters in string literals. (#5061)

  • Improve performance of INSERT and CREATE TABLE AS ... SELECT queries. (#18212)

  • Improve performance when planning queries involving multiple window functions. (#18491)

  • Improve performance of queries involving BETWEEN clauses. (#18501)

  • Improve performance of queries containing redundant ORDER BY clauses in views or WITH clauses. This may affect the semantics of queries that incorrectly rely on implementation-specific behavior. The old behavior can be restored via the skip_redundant_sort session property or the optimizer.skip-redundant-sort configuration property. (#18159)

  • Reduce default values for the task.partitioned-writer-count and task.scale-writers.max-writer-count configuration properties to reduce the memory requirements of queries that write data. (#18488)

  • Remove the deprecated optimizer.use-mark-distinct configuration property, which has been replaced with optimizer.mark-distinct-strategy. (#18540)

  • Fix query planning failure due to dynamic filters in fault tolerant execution mode. (#18383)

  • Fix EXPLAIN failure when a query contains WHERE ... IN (NULL). (#18328)

JDBC driver#


  • Add support for accepting a single Trino JDBC URL with parameters as an alternative to passing command line arguments. (#12587)

ClickHouse connector#

  • Add support for CASCADE option in DROP SCHEMA statements. (#18305)

Blackhole connector#

  • Add support for the COMMENT ON VIEW statement. (#18516)

Delta Lake connector#

  • Add $properties system table which can be queried to inspect Delta Lake table properties. (#17294)

  • Add support for reading the timestamp_ntz type. (#17502)

  • Add support for writing the timestamp with time zone type on partitioned columns. (#16822)

  • Add option to enforce that a filter on a partition key is present for query processing. This can be enabled by setting the delta.query-partition-filter-required configuration property or the query_partition_filter_required session property to true. (#18345)

  • Improve performance of the $history system table. (#18427)

  • Improve memory accounting of the Parquet writer. (#18564)

  • Allow metadata changes on Delta Lake tables with identity columns. (#18200)

  • Fix incorrectly creating files smaller than the configured file_size_threshold as part of OPTIMIZE. (#18388)

  • Fix query failure when a table has a file with a location ending with whitespace. (#18206)

Hive connector#

  • Add support for changing a column’s type from varchar to timestamp. (#18014)

  • Improve memory accounting of the Parquet writer. (#18564)

  • Remove the legacy Parquet writer, along with the parquet.optimized-writer.enabled configuration property and the parquet_optimized_writer_enabled session property. Replace the parquet.optimized-writer.validation-percentage configuration property with parquet.writer.validation-percentage. (#18420)

  • Disallow coercing Hive timestamp types to varchar for dates before 1900. (#18004)

  • Fix loss of data precision when coercing Hive timestamp values. (#18003)

  • Fix incorrectly creating files smaller than the configured file_size_threshold as part of OPTIMIZE. (#18388)

  • Fix query failure when a table has a file with a location ending with whitespace. (#18206)

  • Fix incorrect results when using S3 Select and a query predicate includes a quote character (") or a decimal column. (#17775)

  • Add the hive.s3select-pushdown.experimental-textfile-pushdown-enabled configuration property to enable S3 Select pushdown for TEXTFILE tables. (#17775)

Hudi connector#

  • Fix query failure when a table has a file with a location ending with whitespace. (#18206)

Iceberg connector#

  • Add support for renaming nested fields in a column via RENAME COLUMN. (#16757)

  • Add support for setting the type of a nested field in a column via SET DATA TYPE. (#16959)

  • Add support for comments on materialized view columns. (#18016)

  • Add support for tinyint and smallint types in the migrate procedure. (#17946)

  • Add support for reading Parquet files with time stored in millisecond precision. (#18535)

  • Improve performance of information_schema.columns queries for tables managed by Trino with AWS Glue as metastore. (#18315)

  • Improve performance of system.metadata.table_comments when querying Iceberg tables backed by AWS Glue as metastore. (#18517)

  • Improve performance of information_schema.columns when using the Glue catalog. (#18586)

  • Improve memory accounting of the Parquet writer. (#18564)

  • Fix incorrectly creating files smaller than the configured file_size_threshold as part of OPTIMIZE. (#18388)

  • Fix query failure when a table has a file with a location ending with whitespace. (#18206)

  • Fix failure when creating a materialized view on a table which has been rolled back. (#18205)

  • Fix query failure when reading ORC files with nullable time columns. (#15606)

  • Fix failure to calculate query statistics when referring to $path as part of a WHERE clause. (#18330)

  • Fix write conflict detection for UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE operations. In rare situations this issue may have resulted in duplicate rows when multiple operations were run at the same time, or at the same time as an optimize procedure. (#18533)

Kafka connector#

  • Rename the ADD_DUMMY value for the kafka.empty-field-strategy configuration property and the empty_field_strategy session property to MARK (#18485).

Kudu connector#

  • Add support for optimized local scheduling of splits. (#18121)

MariaDB connector#

  • Add support for CASCADE option in DROP SCHEMA statements. (#18305)

MongoDB connector#

  • Add support for predicate pushdown on char and decimal type. (#18382)

MySQL connector#

  • Add support for predicate pushdown for =, <>, IN, NOT IN, and LIKE operators on case-sensitive varchar and nvarchar columns. (#18140, #18441)

  • Add support for CASCADE option in DROP SCHEMA statements. (#18305)

Oracle connector#

  • Add support for Oracle timestamp types with non-millisecond precision. (#17934)

  • Add support for CASCADE option in DROP SCHEMA statements. (#18305)

SingleStore connector#

  • Add support for CASCADE option in DROP SCHEMA statements. (#18305)


  • Deprecate the ConnectorMetadata.getTableHandle(ConnectorSession, SchemaTableName) method signature. Connectors should implement ConnectorMetadata.getTableHandle(ConnectorSession, SchemaTableName, Optional, Optional) instead. (#18596)

  • Remove the deprecated supportsReportingWrittenBytes method from ConnectorMetadata. (#18617)