Logging properties#


The path to the log file used by Trino. The path is relative to the data directory, configured to var/log/server.log by the launcher script as detailed in Running Trino.


The maximum number of general application log files to use, before log rotation replaces old content.


The maximum file size for the general application log file.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: true

Flag to enable or disable logging for the HTTP server.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: true

Flag to enable or disable compression of the log files of the HTTP server.


  • Type: string

  • Default value: var/log/http-request.log

The path to the log file used by the HTTP server. The path is relative to the data directory, configured by the launcher script as detailed in Running Trino.


The maximum number of log files for the HTTP server to use, before log rotation replaces old content.


The maximum file size for the log file of the HTTP server. Defaults to unlimited, setting a data size value limits the file size to that value.