Presto 334 Documentation

12.133. Release 0.129

12.133. Release 0.129#


There is a performance regression in this release for GROUP BY and JOIN queries when the length of the keys is between 16 and 31 bytes. This is fixed in Release 0.130.

General Changes#

  • Fix a planner issue that could cause queries involving OUTER JOIN to return incorrect results.
  • Some queries, particularly those using max_by() or min_by(), now accurately reflect their true memory usage and thus appear to use more memory than before.
  • Fix SHOW SESSION to not show hidden session properties.
  • Fix hang in large queries with ORDER BY and LIMIT.
  • Fix an issue when casting empty arrays or arrays containing only NULL to other types.
  • Table property names are now properly treated as case-insensitive.
  • Minor UI improvements for query detail page.
  • Do not display useless stack traces for expected exceptions in verifier.
  • Improve performance of queries involving UNION ALL that write data.
  • Introduce the P4HyperLogLog type, which uses an implementation of the HyperLogLog data structure that trades off accuracy and memory requirements when handling small sets for an improvement in performance.

JDBC Driver Changes#

  • Throw exception when using SET SESSION or RESET SESSION rather than silently ignoring the command.
  • The driver now properly supports non-query statements. The Statement interface supports all variants of the execute methods. It also supports the getUpdateCount and getLargeUpdateCount methods.

CLI Changes#

  • Always clear screen when canceling query with ctrl-C.
  • Make client request timeout configurable.

Network Topology Aware Scheduling#

The scheduler can now be configured to take network topology into account when scheduling splits. This is set using the config. See Tuning Presto for more information.

Hive Changes#

  • The S3 region is no longer automatically configured when running in EC2. To enable this feature, use in your Hive catalog properties file. Enabling this feature is required to access S3 data in the China isolated region, but prevents accessing data outside the current region.
  • Server-side encryption is now supported for S3. To enable this feature, use hive.s3.sse.enabled=true in your Hive catalog properties file.
  • Add support for the retention_days table property.
  • Add support for S3 EncryptionMaterialsProvider.