Presto 334 Documentation

11.6. System Access Control

11.6. System Access Control#

Presto separates the concept of the principal who authenticates to the coordinator from the username that is responsible for running queries. When running the Presto CLI, for example, the Presto username can be specified using the --user option.

By default, the Presto coordinator allows any principal to run queries as any Presto user. In a secure environment, this is probably not desirable behavior and likely requires customization.


SystemAccessControlFactory is responsible for creating a SystemAccessControl instance. It also defines a SystemAccessControl name which is used by the administrator in a Presto configuration.

SystemAccessControl implementations have several responsibilities:

  • Verifying whether or not a given principal is authorized to execute queries as a specific user.
  • Determining whether or not a given user can alter values for a given system property.
  • Performing access checks across all catalogs. These access checks happen before any connector specific checks and thus can deny permissions that would otherwise be allowed by ConnectorAccessControl.

The implementation of SystemAccessControl and SystemAccessControlFactory must be wrapped as a plugin and installed on the Presto cluster.


After a plugin that implements SystemAccessControl and SystemAccessControlFactory has been installed on the coordinator, it is configured using the file(s) specified by the access-control.config-files property (the default is a single etc/ file). All of the properties other than are specific to the SystemAccessControl implementation.

The property is used by Presto to find a registered SystemAccessControlFactory based on the name returned by SystemAccessControlFactory.getName(). The remaining properties are passed as a map to SystemAccessControlFactory.create().

Example configuration file: